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Raising the Future: 10 Habits of Healthy Families

We have found a very good article about parenting and want to share it with you. Do take some time to read and share it with your spouse. The advice given by the author is not new but has been proven to create positive family relationships and character development for the kids. What we do or don't do for our children, to them, and with them will impact their well-being in the long run. We are called to disciple, and we need to do that, first of all, to ourselves and our families. After all, we are raising Kingdom kids; they are all created for a divine purpose and we as parents have a responsibility to train and equip them. It is true that we are not only raising our children, we are raising the future. How honoured are we to be given this divine role and responsibility! May our Father help us to work harder as parents for His glory! Here is the article:

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