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Age group: Birth to 2 years old.

Farm House Nursery


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14


Indeed, bring the children to Jesus, to God's House, no matter how old they are. Bring them right after they are born so that you can be fed with the Word and strengthened every day for this divine calling of motherhood.


We have a room especially set up for babies from birth to two years old, should you need it, with clean sheets, diapers, wipes, and age appropriate toys. Most importantly, the service is live streamed on audio so that you don't miss out on the blessing and encouragement of the message and worship.


In the coziness of our Farm House, let the joy of God's presence be with you as you nurture God's precious gift to you.

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