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Volunteer in Kingdom Kids


Kingdom Kids is a place not only to bless God’s precious children but our volunteers as well. It is a place where we can learn to serve with the Father’s heart; to share His love, His story, and His plans to our most treasured believers. By paying forward God’s goodness to us in discipling and equipping the next generation, we in turn receive the blessings of growing deeper in our relationship with Him and with each other. Volunteering can be as simple as bringing a snack or laundering the leader t-shirts, to manning our check-in station, assisting the main teacher, or taking on the role of teaching itself. We invite you to take some time to pray on this opportunity and to seek His prompting.

Blessing of Parents


We envision Kingdom Kids as a place through which parents are blessed. We at Pneuma Church believe that when parents are empowered by having total rest in the Lord in worshipping Him and encountering His Word, they can become the parents that God calls them to be.



Growing Together


We would like to invite you to serve in Kingdom Kids so that we as a body can grow together. If you would like to repay God's goodness to you, we encourage you to consider giving back to Him by becoming "spiritual leaders" of the next generation of Kingdom Kids.

Sharing our Talents


If you have a special gift to share of if you just have a heart to raise up the next generation, please let us know.


Contact Irmari Basson if you have any questions or would like to volunteer in any of our programs.

If you've already spoken with us or just want to dive in, you can fill out the form below and bring it to church on Sunday. Thank you!

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